
Showing posts from August, 2023

Selling Your Small Venture to A Bigwig- A Guide

Selling a small venture to a larger company is no small task! Before this crucial move, you have to think of various pros and cons and analyze several aspects. It is not something you should do in a hurry and the time is worth investing in. More than anything, you will need proper planning and for the execution, seeking the services of a veteran broker or financial advisor will be necessary. Things to analyze before selling your small venture Before you sell your small business to a large entity, analyze these key aspects carefully. Think of the reason- Why do you want to sell your small venture , to start with? There could be various reasons including hardships in continuing with it, lack of expertise, health issues etc. The right time- It is easier to sell your small business to a larger player if the timing is apt! Your venture should appear viable to the prospective buyers and then they might be open to the acquisition deal. Ensure you sell the venture when it is in good shape